Balmy Sunday.

We had one of those weekends. We didn't do anything extraordinary, but we had the best time being together. I felt jolted with the sense of how lucky I truly am with all these boys I call mine. Hank Davis Giuffré turned eight months yesterday and the day matched how we feel about this little guy. He throws in some trying moments throughout the day but ultimately just melts us when he throws that sweet gummy smile in our direction. And as shown in these images, my love for Leo is through the roof. He is the absolute sweetest big brother with his thoughtful and playful attitude. He has us constantly cracking up and checking our own behavior (as most three year olds do with adults I imagine). Hank and Leo sure are different in quite a few ways, but one thing is for sure - they are happiest while outdoors. When things feel this good, you've just got to soak it in. And maybe snap a few photos along the way. 

School of Soccer Part I

Last fall, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Steve Gamboa with School of Soccer. Leo has been a part of the program for awhile now, and I cannot say enough good things about it. It is wonderful to watch the kids come out of their shell and learn to play together. They improve upon listening skills, work their way through obstacles and most importantly - have fun! Spring registration is now open - checking them out is a must! 

There is more cuteness to share, so be on the lookout for Part II!